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Trash McSweeney

While we are on the subject of "Revolutions Never Coming" Let us ask the Question: What things in life do you think make a revolution a "real” one?

We'll start with the subject of commodity, money. We think seeing a band create world wide success without spending one dime to do so, well that is hardly ever heard of. That is a revolution. Maybe that is the problem with the human world, you think you need something that you don't and you are blinded so much so that it stops you from moving forward. Countless times with this band we have been so poor but still determined and it’s pushed us to create even stronger and more meaningful art with ourselves and our fans with great results, meaningful results. Look at this new album and how it was created and the end product, it's a perfect example of what sacrifice can achieve. Maybe a revolution in all our lives is as simple as stepping back, slowing down and letting things (or the masses pass) till the right moment comes for you to get up and walk again without anyone standing in your way. Be the one to shout at the back of the pack instead of the front. The greatest response we have ever had at a TRP show was when we had our gear stolen in Chicago and Trash walked out on stage and after the first song went into "Walls" and as he sang the lyrics " in the world of negatives you'll find happiness" he broke into tears and couldn't go on and so the crowd felt that real moment more so then a musical note and the 1500 strong crowd erupted with support and energy and lifted Trash (a person they didn't personally know) and band to an incredible place and in return sold more CD's in one night without even finishing the set with no painters than the entire US tour with the full TRP experience. Those moments of raw emotion your money can't really buy but its sad that they are possibly becoming less frequent in our art and music and it's holding back inspiration and the ultimate quest to start our own revolutions. We think its time for a new way of thinking... Not fuck the system, rebuild the system with recycled materials.

That is our definition of a revolution, what's yours?

You can pre-order the new album at

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